Below is been given a structure of IGNOU MA English Solved Assignment. All the students of MA English in IGNOU search for the sample of assignments so they could get help to write their answers. I am providing a layout of how the answer can be given in IGNOU MA English Solved Assignment. Students are strongly advised not to copy these answer exactly in their assignment.
IGNOU MA English Solved Assignment Download (MEG 01: BRITISH POETRY)
Question: Essay on anyone British Poet
Answer: MEG 01 BRITISH POETRY Assignment ask to write an essay on any of the British poets and for that, you can write the essay as a sample is given of Essay on John Milton below.
IGNOU MA English Solved Assignment Download (MEG 02: BRITISH DRAMA)
MEG-02: BRITISH DRAMA Assignment (Based on Blocks 1-9)
Question: Comment on Marlowe’s use of irony in Doctor Faustus.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is Comment on Marlowe’s use of irony in Doctor Faustus and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: Examine The Alchemist as a satire.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is Examine The Alchemist as a satire and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: What according to you is the theme of The Playboy of the Western World?
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is What according to you is the theme of The Playboy of the Western World? and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: Write an essay on British drama in the twentieth century.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is to write an essay on British drama in the twentieth century and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Unanswered Questions
Since there is a choice of attempting few questions only, so we’ve only solved few questions as required.
Question: Attempt a critique of Shakespeare’s ‘dramatic poesie’.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is Attempt a critique of Shakespeare’s ‘dramatic poesie’ and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: Do you think that Pygmalion has the framework of a romance with unromantic elements thrown into it? Illustrate your answer with examples.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 02 British Drama Assignment is Do you think that Pygmalion has the framework of a romance with unromantic elements thrown into it? Illustrate your answer with examples and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
IGNOU MA English Solved Assignment Download (MEG 03: BRITISH NOVEL)
MEG – 03 BRITISH NOVEL Assignment (Based on Blocks (1 – 9)
Question: Trace the development of modern English fiction with specific reference to the major shifts in literary perspective during the nineteenth century.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 03 British Novel Assignment is Trace the development of modern English fiction with specific reference to the major shifts in literary perspective during the nineteenth century and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: Attempt a Feminist reading of Wuthering Heights.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 03 British Novel Assignment is to attempt a Feminist reading of Wuthering Heights and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: What is the importance of the Fairytale mode in Great Expectations?
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 03 British Novel Assignment is What is the importance of the Fairytale mode in Great Expectations? and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: How is Jameson’s criticism of Conrad’s politics relevant to Heart of Darkness?
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 03 British Novel Assignment is How is Jameson’s criticism of Conrad’s politics relevant to Heart of Darkness? and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
Question: What do you understand by the term ‘Stream of Consciousness’, Explain with reference to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Answer: One of the questions in MEG 03 British Novel Assignment is What do you understand by the term ‘Stream of Consciousness’, explain with reference to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. and the answer to this question is given in the link below.
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