10 Amazing Scientific Facts about Space Need to Know

Just like a DNA holds infinite information, the Space is also holding infinite facts and our scientist do the great work to discover these facts time to time and make us aware about them. These are Amazing Scientific Facts about Space and are very important to know from the study point of view and also for the general knowledge. The changes on earth are due to the different facts of the universe. So it’s essential to know about what change we can get next so we could get prepared for that. This article provides the Amazing Scientific Facts about Space which are necessary to study.


Check out these Amazing Scientific Facts about Space one by one

Read about the Amazing Scientific Facts about Space and improve your knowledge about this area. These are important topics for examination also, so read them carefully.

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Age of Sun

01. Age of Sun - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

Like all living things, Stars also born, live, and die. The Sun is also a star, so follows the same rule. According to the estimated age of sun, the death of sun would take place at least 5 billion years from now. The effects of the Sun’s demise will simply incinerate the Earth. The expansion it will undergo will basically “eat” Mercury, Venus, and Earth. A couple of things will happen, when Earth gets in the Sun’s hot, expanding layers. All the water bodies will evaporate and break apart into water’s core elements. The oxygen will be lost to the ground and the hydrogen will be lost to the atmosphere. Atmosphere will change and will be composed of mostly nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The blistering heart, will make the planet unlivable.


02. Galaxies - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

The Milky Way, before the Sun’s death, it will collide with our closest neighbor, spiral galaxy Andromeda in 4 billion years. This was discovered when scientists were measuring the speed of Andromeda and realized that it was blue-shifting instead of red-shifting, or moving away from us, as predicted. Further measurements and calculations allowed scientists to determine the size, motion, and speed of Andromeda. Turns out, the Milky Way and Andromeda are coming together at a whopping 402,000 kilometers per hour or about 250,000 miles per hour. The two supermassive blackholes at the center of each galaxy will merge, causing a huge warp in space-time, eating surrounding matter in the process.

Solar System Expanding

03. Solar System Expanding - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

The orbits of the four inner planets could become completely erratic and cause destructive collisions. It all starts with Mercury’s funky orbit. Firstly, it orbits around the Sun with a much more eccentric ellipse. This just means that its orbit is more stretched out and oval-like. Secondly, the orbit precesses more extremely than the other planetary orbits. One year its perihelion is at location A, then it moves to location B, and so on. The part of its orbit that matters most here is its eccentricity. Scientists have found that Jupiter’s gravity could catch Mercury and use its elongated orbit to pull it outward even more, potentially intercepting Venus. While Mercury could go beyond Venus’s orbit and collide with Earth, it’s another possible scenario.

Earth’s core

04. Earth's Core - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

The extremely hot, molten core of Earth is cooling down, and if it reaches a certain temperature, it could ultimately lead to Earth’s destruction. Currently, the core is both freezing and melting. The core releases heat energy into the metal-rich area between the core and the crust called the mantle if it’s begins to cool and freeze. This creates convection in the mantle, where heat rises and cool air sinks. These currents move magnetic iron around, and that generates Earth’s magnetic field. If the core just cooled down completely, the greatest effect would be on our protective magnetic field. If the core freezes, convection would no longer occur, and the magnetic field would no longer be generated.


Martian Rings

05. Martian Ring - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

We probably won’t see them with the naked eye, but in about 70 million years, Mars might have rings. One of Mars’s moons, Phobos, is moving towards the Red Planet. Once it reaches a certain point, the gravity of Mars will take over and shred the moon apart. These shreds will get caught in orbit, forming rings by accreting around the planet. Even though this doesn’t affect us on Earth much, it will be a good reason to bust out the telescope!

Ozone Hole

06. Ozone Hole - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

A region of exceptionally depleted ozone in the stratosphere is called the ozone hole. This hole is over the Antarctic. The hole happens at the beginning of Southern Hemisphere spring (August–October). Satellite images are provided us of ozone over the Antarctic region. Ozone hole is caused by chemicals called CFCs. CFC’s stand for chlorofluorocarbons. From refrigeration and propellant devices and processes, the chemicals escape into the atmosphere. They are so stable that they persist for years, even decades, in the lower atmosphere. This long lifetime allows some of the chlorofluorocarbons to eventually reach the stratosphere. Ultraviolet light breaks the bond holding chlorine atoms (Cl) to the CFC molecule, in the stratosphere.

Water Presence on Mars

07. Water Presence on Mars - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

On Oct 9, 2009 Nasa’s LCROSS, or Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite struck water in a cold, permanently dark crater at the south pole of the moon. The LCROSS designed to impact the moon was a nasa probe, while a small satellite followed behind it measuring the chemical makeup of the material that was ejected. After a year of data analysis, Nasa reported that it’s mission found water ice in the floor of the permanently-shadowed crater it’s probe impacted. Later data from three different spacecraft indicate a thin film of water coats the surface of the soil in at least some areas. In 2011, Nasa released a statement, along with photos, saying they have evidence that there might be “flowing water” on Mars. Signs that Mars once had flowing water have been seen before, but this is the first time that such markings have been observed changing over a short period of time.

First Planet

08. First Planet - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

Nasa confirmed the discovery of the first planet found in the habitable zone of a “sun-like” star, in December of 2011. They named the planet Kepler-22b. The planet is about 2.5 times the radius of Earth, and orbits comfortably within the habitable zone. The discovery has proven to be a huge step in finding a “twin Earth.” Though, scientists are unsure of the composition of the planet.


09. Stardust - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin successfully determined the composition of actual stardust in her 1925 PhD thesis. As part of her thesis, she concluded that stars are composed mainly of hydrogen and helium. The idea was opposed by Henry Norris Russell (a scientist), who believed that stars were made from the same materials as Earth. Payne-Gaposchkin was, of course, eventually proved correct. As Harvard did not grant doctoral degrees to women at that time, she was given the first PhD in astronomy from Radcliffe College. Her colleagues described her work as “the most brilliant PhD thesis ever written in astronomy.”

The Black Hole

10. The Black Hole - Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

Stars perform nuclear fusion during their lifetimes and it dies when it has run out of fuel. This is when a star takes the hydrogen inside its core, converts it into helium by heating it up to extreme temperatures. Then, the star becomes a red giant when it uses up all of its hydrogen. This means the outer layers cool down and expand, while the core, now made of helium, heats up and burns the helium into carbon. If it is a very massive star, the nuclear fusion process will continue, fusing heavier elements until it reaches iron and explodes into a supernova. The supernova will then leave behind a neutron star or black hole. Lower mass stars, like our Sun, take a less dramatic route. They expand into red giants, but they expel their outer layers instead of exploding and leave behind their cores.


Source of Amazing Scientific Facts about Space

All this data is taken from the sources given at the end. The data for Amazing Scientific Facts about Space is true and provided with images for a rough idea about reality. All these facts are related to science research and proven or discovered by the scientitst so called as Amazing Scientific Facts about Space.

Source 1: https://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/facts/hole_SH.html
Source 2: https://listverse.com

For a video type, Watch: 10 Scary Yet Beautiful Facts About Space & Us

Author: Manish

GenuineLogics.com is dedicated to providing readers with accurate truths and realities. Inspired by the power of truth and a commitment to uncovering hidden facts, my mission is to inform as many people as possible about the genuine realities that often remain obscured. I have been extensively researching relevant and authentic material to ensure the highest quality content for my posts.

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